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2 oz rocket fuel formula


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What sort of rockets are you looking to make? With small rockets, you can use some fairly hot fuels that would otherwise be ill-advised for larger rockets. Hot meal powder should work for end burners, nozzleless core burners, and possibly even nozzled core burners. Whistle of course works for whistle rockets.

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What sort of rockets are you looking to make? With small rockets, you can use some fairly hot fuels that would otherwise be ill-advised for larger rockets. Hot meal powder should work for end burners, nozzleless core burners, and possibly even nozzled core burners. Whistle of course works for whistle rockets.

Hi Mumbles,

I'll be making 2 oz rockets with a spindle and choked nozzle, looking for a bp based fuel.


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Try using the hottest BP you can make and not pressing a nozzle with your cored tooling. Easier to make and I think you will be impressed. You can't make BP that is too hot for these.



Edit: I guess I should say no clay nozzle to avoid any confusion.

Edited by FlaMtnBkr
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