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i just need to rant !


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Sooo ... i came home from work today to find out that my mom no longer has a bed because my moms husband took it ! I have had enough of this BS i cant even cope with all of this , WHO THE HELL TAKES SOMEONES BED !?? My mom works her fucking ass off working 2 jobs to put foos on the table and pay the bills ( somtimes not even able too ) and this asshole has the balls to take my mothers bed !
Excuse this rant but im am beyond pissed right now! im sorry for the ones who dont want to read this ..

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Disown the useless sack of dreck. Anyone who'd screw their mother over is not to be trusted in any scenario.

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Sometimes a bed is a small price to pay to rid your life of all the bullshit youve both had to deal with.

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Dude, that sounds really rough. WTF. I hope this situation is sorted out quickly and in a way that works for you and your mother.

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It seems people are falling off the deep end around the world.

I am afraid we are all going to witness events that we would never imagine in the decade to follow.

The "lowest common denominator" has taken over in every aspect of our society as it spirals towards the drain.

Idiocracy is becoming reality.

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I've been following your posts from afar and all I can say is life sucks sometimes. Divorces are always messy, in fact almost anything can blur the lines of right and wrong when emotions are running strong.

Sometimes I just need to take a moment and let my emotions run their coarse before making any decisions. When I do, I'm able to move forward with the confidence of knowing that I've made the right choice despite the innermost yearnings to do otherwise.

Hang in there , it's these kinds of things that test us and help us grow into the people we need to be.


PS. The world is not going to end (Milkeee). And who wants to live as though it is?😱

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And you say this in knowing the country is about to make a choice between Hillary or Trump.

I don't know you, but I do know from a statistical analysis looking back 6 decades and looking forward the trend does not shine brightly for this country.

Perhaps you have twenty trillion dollars you would like to donate to the cause, shucks you sure are a swell guy.

History has proven over time every major power has only lasted several centuries at best, sooner or later they all run out of money, or print so much it is worthless to the rest of the world.

60% of the world market is no longer trading in U.S. dollars, China does not want to buy anymore of our debt, and the treasury continues to print billions of quantitative easy dollars every month.

I know your glass is more then half full, but have you tried drinking from it lately......it has that funky taste and smell like someone just trickled their economy down into it. :-)

Both of the political parties have shown little promise in making any valid changes for the countries future.

They continue to export jobs, spend more money, create more wars, create bigger government agencies, and promise to cut taxes for corporate America that is continuing to move offshore.

I hope you are right and something changes in our future to steer the ship in the other direction.

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Sorry to have offended you Milkeee but I tend to focus my energies on things I can change and while I agree with you on all points I refuse to allow it to consume me to the point that all I feel is anger and resentment. Trust me when I say I've been there and it's not a place I wish to dwell.

So for now I will endeavour to change the things I can and accept the things I have no control over. This I don't believe makes me ignorant but rather it allows me to live the life of my choosing. This allows me to make choices,mistakes and then learn from them thus freeing me from the emotions which would otherwise rent space in my head.

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By the way the glass is always full 1/2 full of air (for pyro) and half water to put it out😅.
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It does not consume me, but too many people ignoring the problems is what allowed our country to degrade to the level it is in now.

Too many people are going to be caught in a bad place when they finally implode the financial system.

Hyperinflation is the next stage, after 8 years of continuous printing of "Quantitative Easy" dollars.

Food is expected to quadruple in price over the next decade along with many other expenses we all incur on a monthly basis.

The only thing not going up over the next decade will be the average wages earned in this country.

I have been through a number of major down turns in the economy and the majority of the people never see it coming and the indicators are right in front of them every time.

just-need-to-rant ;)

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I passed up the last chance I had to fix all the world's problems. 🙁 So for now I will put them on the back burner until the next opportunity I get to rid the world of injustices.

I can however strive to remove these societal character defects from myself so as not to add to the world's problems. I cannot create a better past but only learn from my mistakes and use them to create a better future. I just figured I'd start by reassuring a struggling member of this forum that there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Wishing it to come faster won't make it so but I guarantee that one day he will look back at his experience and it won't even be a blip on his radar. And 90% of the things I've worried about happening have never happened or had worked itself out in some magically unforeseen manner. I don't know if it's magic but I sure have been able to live a much happier life when I stopped carrying the world on my shoulders. 😀 see happy.

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Your no fun at all, this is supposed to be a rant that we can all contribute to. :-)

I work for one of the largest corporations in the country and read a great deal of analysis on the markets we are involved in around the world each day.

When the large corporations tighten their purse strings you know they are preparing for a bumpy ride.

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I`m with you Mikeee,


I`ve been around a long time now and I`ve watched society degenerate at an alarming rate.


I liken modern life to a toilet bowl, we`re all in it but some of us are nearer the rim than others. :(

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Ugghhhh..... I guess that's why there's a highway to hell but only a stairway to heaven. Me, I'll try to ride a rocket there. But I can wait until after the zombie apocolipse👹 and the coming of the Antichrist👿.
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I'm voting Sweet Meteor O'Death in November.





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I'll get the Nike shoes out and prepare the poison. 😨 OK sorry , not funny.
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I'll get the Nike shoes out and prepare the poison. OK sorry , not funny.


Nah, go light off a rocket. It helps me immensely!

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OK so now I've got something to complain about and it relates to the spell check on this damn phone. It's constantly changing the names of people and different acronyms. Milkeee turns to milkweed, Rasmbo to Rambo, redline to recline. IDK I'm constantly proofreading my posts only later to find errors I didn't catch. I've also not been able to post videos from my phone, the problems on my end, I'm not experienced in computers and just posting anything has proven to be a challenge. OK..... sigh..... I think I feel better.🤔
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Neighbor... You let them ruin your morale, shame on you. :P Edited by ddewees
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It's all good I've figured out the video posting issue, and I'll manage with the spell check. Heck if that's the worst that I have to deal with today I'll say it's a great day.😎
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