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what is this effect


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what is the effect at 2.30 in this video I really like the use of comets and mines getting ideas

Edited by eb11
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That looks like a cake a friend uses a lot i his shows, Dragon Battle? Perhaps someone else can fill in the name?

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I think this effect used to be called "Roaring Lions" in the UK. Basically constructed like a hummer with a slower mix containing a high amount of titanium if I recall correctly, so the unit spins on its axis but doesn't hum.

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That would be farfalle except they dont have the characturistic butterfly shaped pattern created by the two opposed vents. They dont have the spiral tail of a ti serpent or go ghetter (stickless rocket)

The ti bloom appears to increase in size as they rise, so it could be they have a spherical or perhaps conical case rather than a standard parallel tube. They could just as easily be basic ti comets ;)

Edited by Col
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Last year i bought some tiny effects that behaved the same way. (mini "cake" if you like. Seven 5cm high tubes in glossy wrappings...) I was pretty much expecting a paper tube loaded with comp, and a slit on the side of one end. But thats not what i got. There is just a gray pumped star of composition. No idea what makes it spin and behave like that.


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